Services & Pricing

Leaving a legacy, more than just a burial plot.

We offer natural burial as well as interment of cremated remains. Gravesite selection is available to those who pre-plan with us, within open, platted burial sections.


We offer payment plans for burial plot purchases. All required paperwork must be completed and payment made in full before the burial. Please contact us for more details.


Natural Burial

$5,000 $4,000*
Large, Natural Burial Plot (13.5 ft. x 8 ft)

This price includes:

  • interment rights:

    (i) interment of single (1) natural body burial, and interment of two (2) cremated remains; or

    (ii) if no natural body burial is made, then three (3) cremated remains may be interred in one burial space.

  • restoration of burial site with native plants, seed, and prairie hay

  • mapping and online, interactive memorial page

  • contribution to restoration and maintenance fund

  • staff support for service

Opening and Closing of Burial Plots for natural burials are handled by a cemetery services contractor. A list of authorized providers and current costs will be provided to the plot owner. Family members and loved ones can also choose to close a burial plot by hand. Shovels and safety supplies will be provided by sanctuary.

Opening and Closing of Cremated Remains Plots will be handled by cemetery staff and volunteers at no cost. Family members and loved ones are welcome to participate.

*As Blazing Star Sanctuary is currently being restored to native prairie grasses and wildflowers, we are offering 20% off Regular Prices during this time.

Burial of Cremated Remains

$1,875 $1,500*
Cremains Plot (5 ft. x 5ft.)

This price includes:

  • interment of single (1) cremated remains.

  • opening and closing of the grave (dug by hand)

  • soil compost supplement

  • restoration of burial site with native plants, seed, and prairie hay

  • mapping and online, interactive memorial page

  • contribution to restoration and maintenance fund

  • staff support for service

*As Blazing Star Sanctuary is currently being restored to native prairie grasses and wildflowers, we are offering 20% off Regular Prices during this time.